The 10 Best Wii U Games You Need to Play

Riding high off the success of the Wii, Nintendo released the Wii U. However, it’s considered a failure amongst fans and critics alike. The selling gimmick was the gamepad that had its own screen that worked together with your TV. While the idea was novel, gamers didn’t get behind it.

Regardless, it’s still a Nintendo system. And that means there were quite a few awesome games released, even if no one had a Wii U to play them. In this post, we’ll look at the 10 best Wii U games you need to play– even if you need to buy a Switch to do so!


10) ZombieU

Ubisoft’s ZombieU launched with the Wii U back in 2012, and it still holds up surprisingly well 10 years later. You take on the role of one of the survivors of a zombie virus outbreak in London. Sure, zombies have been done over and over, but Ubisoft threw in a few things to mix up the formula. For example, when your character dies, they’re dead for good. And you’re forced to start from the beginning on a brand new survivor. It’s hard, it’s scary, and it’s fun.


9) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Capcom’s Monster Hunter is one of those games that you will either love or hate. The mechanics behind it can be difficult to get, but if you succeed, prepare yourself for hours and hours of hunting monsters like giant dinosaurs and flying behemoths. All in the hopes of scoring some good crafting materials to beef up your character with new armor and weapons. The game looks great on the Wii U, and if you can make a few friends to join you on your adventures, it still offers a ton of things to do.


8) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

What’s a Nintendo system with a Smash Bros.? And SSB for Wii U delivers everything you’d expect from this amazing franchise. The wacky but deep combat with an amazing roster of characters including the classics such as Mario and Link, some old faces like Mewtwo, and brand new fighters like Ryu and Cloud. SSB for Wii U doesn’t do anything particularly new, but it definitely improves upon its proven mechanics by making combat tighter, adding more stages, and upping the visual fidelity.


7) Mario Kart 8

If fighting isn’t your thing, how about good ol’ fashion kart racing? Mario Kart 8 is Nintendo’s most ambitious release of the series. The first obvious improvement is the graphics– the game is gorgeous and colorful. It also changes up the gameplay by adding anti-gravity sections, increasing the number and types of racing, and expanding the multiplayer, alongside online play. They even added an item that lets you defend against the fabled blue shell of death. However, if you want the complete, definitive version that’s still getting updates with new courses, then you’ll have to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch.


6) The Legend of Zelda

OK, I will cheat a bit and add 3 games to the number 6 slot. That’s Twilight Princess HD, Wind Waker HD, and Breath of the Wild. Of course, BotW is the newest game that became a system mover for the Switch, but it was initially designed to be the Wii U’s Zelda. But if you want to enjoy the classic Zelda style, then there’s Twilight Princess & Wind Waker HD. Play one, play all three– either way, you’re in for a great adventure!


5) Super Mario Maker

Ever wanted to make your own Mario levels? Well, you can now with Super Mario Maker. Nintendo gives you the tools to make Mario the way you’ve always envisioned. And if you don’t have the creative aptitude, hope online and play the 1,000s of other levels players around the world have created themselves. Albeit, there might be a lot of junk levels. But when you come across a gem, you’ll be wowed by the skills people have. There are puzzle levels, musical levels, expert levels, and general levels that even Nintendo wouldn’t think to make.


4) Splatoon

Splatoon is easily one of the best titles on the Wii U. It’s a simple game anyone can get into. It’s a competitive shooter where the goal is to spread as much ink on the battlefield as possible while trying to stop the other team from doing the same. Although there’s a high level of play, you can pick a giant paint roller and go to town even if you’re a beginner. And once you’ve mastered the skills of traversal and “splatting” the opposing team, you’ll be feeling exhilarated and ready to hop into the next match!


3) Super Mario 3D World

No, it’s not the sequel to Mario Galaxy but a return to form for the franchise. It takes the tried and true formula of 2D Mario and puts a 3D coat of paint on it. It also has 4-player co-op, where Player 1 can play from the game. There are some new power-ups like the catsuit and some old returning ones like the fire flower and mushroom. It’s a must-play on the system for sure. 


2) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Bringing back the old Donkey Kong Country formula from the 90s, Tropical Freeze keeps the difficulty high– but there’s pleasure in pain. This platformer requires good timing and memory and brings back some of the favorites from back in the day like transformations and the classic barrel jumps. It’s 100 times more beautiful and packs a lot of detail on the screen.


1) Bayonetta 2

Probably the most surprising Wii U exclusive is Bayonetta 2. Filled with bad words, dying demons and angels, high-octane action, and scantily clad women, it goes against Nintendo’s family-friendly image. However, I couldn’t be happier that Nintendo put money behind this one to get a sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. And thanks to them, we even got a third installment on the Switch.


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